Kick Off Your Saturday With The Music Video For “Nintendo 89” By Audio Karate

Day late on my usual Kick Off The Weekend blog, but what else is new?

Anyway, there are countless bands that I think deserved to “make it”, especially in the pop punk genre in the late 90s/early 2000s, and these guys I’m about to show you are high up there on my list

Formed in the LA suburb of Rosemead in 95, I would have bet dollars to donuts that Audio Karate would be the next big thing. Great riffs, great vocals, and great energy. Plus, they were all Mexican, which was very unique for the genre at the time, and in general, so they had that going for them

The music video rules too, as it is the epitome of early 2000s pop punk. It feels like an American Pie movie wrapped into a 4 minute video

So here it is: “Nintendo 89” by Audio Karate

Have a great weekend everybody


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